Fairfield RSL Square Dance Web Site
Pictures Page 


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This page will display any available Square Dance Events pictures. The pictures will all be in JPEG format and approximately 800x600 in size.

Here are some pictures taken at Blast Off 2000 the 2000 NSW State Square Dance Convention:



An All Eight Pick Up  David Todd Calling  Cloggers Having Fun!  Dancing at the Convention  Some more dancers at the Convention


A close look at some younger dancers  The Lift Team moving into the Main Hall  A Hip Lift performed by the Lift Team  A Jumbo Jet performed by the Lift Team  The Dressed Sets  


  More Dressed Sets  The Main Hall jst after the decorations were put up!  The Opening Ceremony  The Main Stage  The list of State Conventions


Here are some pictures of dancers from our club (with thanks to Louise for supplying the photos):


Cosmics (131327 bytes)   Cosmics (121579 bytes)  Dancers at the State Convention (111775 bytes)  DreamWeavers (112100 bytes)  DreamWeavers (106318 bytes)


Mariahs (81930 bytes)  Mystics (122380 bytes)  Junior 12 DAncers (74053 bytes)  Pulsars (110324 bytes)  Sapphires (119425 bytes)

From time to time, some pictures come across my desk that the subjects wish had never existed! I feel it my duty (and a lot of fun!) to bring these pictures to the light of public scrutiny.  They will be shown in this area:


Click HERE to see some pictures from the previous competition.

Click HERE to see some pictures from the Caloundra Convention.

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Last modified on Thursday, 4th of October 2001