Fairfield RSL Square Dance Web Site
Music Page 


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Unfortunately, Fortune City have increased the restrictions on their site content. Therefore, I am forced to upload any music files  to my personal space at Optus. However, this space is very limited. Therefore, only very low quality MP3s (16k sampling rate) are available from this site. Both cued and uncued rounds will be uploaded here. To access the files, use this link and download from there. The files on this site are for training purposes only, and are very low quality MP3s.

Please note: I will still Email music and cue sheets by request. Just click on the Email button below to send me a message. I will not Email wave files, only MP3s. Before asking for super high quality, check your download speed! I will quite happily Email you a 5Mb MP3, but, how long will it tie up your Email to download it?! Check the News Page before downloading cue sheets, to make sure that the current ones have been uploaded. Otherwise, you will be downloading cue sheets you already have!

For just cue sheets, you should be able to download directly from this site. Download the Senior Competition cue sheets from HERE, and the Junior Competition cue sheets from HERE. These will be standard zip files containing all the cue sheets from each section. These cue sheets have been re-written by me, with full cue sheets replacing any supplied head cues,  but (due to time constraints) not yet checked by Round Dance teachers as is normally done. Please Email me if you find an overlooked error in any of the cue sheets. If you cannot read the PDF files, which have been set up for minimum size, email me and I will email you PDF files set up for maximum compatibility.

Please note also: The Senior Festival Rounds have been returned to normal. From now on, there will be 4 Round Dances in the Senior Festival. Bronze and Silver couples will dance their Round cued. The Round for both Gold couples and Gold Challenge couples will be different and uncued.


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Last modified on Sunday, 24th of September 2006